Intentional living.
Hi! I’m Lauren -
Thanks for stopping by my little space on the internet. I love God, and I am passionate about seeing others develop in their spiritual journey. My interests intersect around theology, culture, and intentional living. With so many voices out there – I hope to point toward thoughtful resources that will both equip and inspire.
If you asked me what my superpowers are, I would say that God has created me as a learner influencer, collaborative communicator, and intentional equipper. My kryptonite is life without spell check. (In fact, as I am writing this, someone just corrected me on twitter for a typo. Oops!)
I want to live intentionally to use my talents to bring glory to God. In summary, I care that people know the truth about God so that He might be glorified and we might be transformed. I hope at the end of my life to say that I lived for Kingdom impact.
Oh yea, on a practical note, I spend my days working at the Hobby Lobby corporate office, and on nights and weekends I write papers as I pursue a PhD in ethics. I am married to my best friend, and have the most amazing daughter I could imagine.
A few random facts to know me better:
My comforts are books and hot beverages – particularly black coffee.
My creative outlet is fashion and amateur photography.
My heroes from history are Hannah Moore (activist, poet) and Elizabeth Elliot (writer, theologian).
My sports teams include the OKC Thunder basketball team, and the University of Oklahoma football team. And I’m a little bit a fan of the L.A. Dodgers baseball team. (Is it OK that I am a Dodger’s fan because I like their merch?)
My iTunes account would show you that I don’t listen to music often. But, if I do, it is either the Harry Potter soundtrack, Taylor Swift or Andy Mineo. I assume that is a pretty typical combination.
My enneagram number is 3, with a 3 wing. (Just kidding… I don’t think I have a wing.)
My go-to snack is microwave popcorn. You can find me snacking on it nearly every night of the week.
My husband and I are in the adoption process again, after many adoption attempts and heartbreaks along the way.
My husband? Well, I fell in love with him sometime between middle school and high school over theological conversations on AIM.